A quarter century already?
Friday, September 29, 2006
My birthday is next week. Before I hit 21, birthdays were always something I looked forward too. But recently the thought of turning 25 has started making me feel ... well peeved.It's not because I know that from now on my metabolism will slow down or my once anti-gravitational breasts will now begin their slow decent into something resembling a pair of 'ol slippers that soon I'd be able to throw over my shoulders just because they're in my way.It's none of that.I simply thought I'd be richer, more successful a power suited high flyer, for fucks sake!Ok, so I was naive to assume I could achieve all that before I reached 25 but considering they're 25 year olds arround me that have achieved the above mentioned does little for me.Don't get me wrong, changing my career from IT to journalism was and is the best thing I could have done for my myself personally, it's something I love doing. But when I glimse a one of my varsity classmates driving the latest beast, I usually turn a funny shade of puce green.Some of you might say "money aint everything WC" but damn, call me Macavelian but I'm a material girl at heart. I guess the only thing I can do right now is *eye roll* re-evaluate my goals. Meanwhile I'll treat myself to some fine dinning at KFC, oh and maybe I'll even buy a full tank of gas.
posted by Wannabe Cynic at 6:18 AM

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The hair issue
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
This might come as old news to some but I just had to say something. For those who don't know yet, in a recent Esquire magazine article Daddy Pitt made a statement saying that the product Carol's Daughter was good for "white people who might be having a little trouble with black-person hair" .This innocent statement from a Dad has sparked a ranging debate on a couple of blog sites I've visited. With some people finding his statement offensive and an equal amount finding nothing wrong with it.I'm with the second group, there is nothing wrong with what he said, perhaps it could have been worded better; but really the fact that he even knows what hair products Zahara uses is a good thing. Another point is at least they (Brad and Angie) are making an effort to care for their kid's hair.Last thing we want is for their other kids to look good and for poor Zahara to be the ashy looking one. I can just imagine Maddox teasing poor ashy Zahara. I may not aggree with their charity efforts but Kudos to Brad and Angie on that one.
posted by Wannabe Cynic at 7:39 AM

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I'm off!
Friday, September 22, 2006
I'll only be back on Tuesday. Cause it's this weekend is gonna be a loooong one.As soon as I leave this office I'm driving straight to a liqour store, stocking up and then proceed to get hammered.Metal-Man is joining me later on, starring in our very own porn flick.Later guys, Enjoy your weekend!!!!
posted by Wannabe Cynic at 6:29 AM

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Baby Daddies are sexy?
Thursday, September 21, 2006
These days when I'm at the Mall (and in East London that's one of two places) I've been noticing a significant trend with young Dads. Men from my generation who are seen everywhere with their babies.And don't expect grumpy faces from these Dads they are as proud of their little replicas as they are about their latest man-toy.Just the other day I was enjoying my Sunday strawberry dacherie (one can't start the week without a dose of the good stuff) at the Mugg 'n Bean, when myself and Metal-Man noticed a Dad with one of those strap on carriers, and for added effect he even had a blindingly white towel (by now the alcohol was affecting the eyes ) over his shoulder, for his little soldier's throw up.That man didn't walk, he pranced. Practically puffing up his 'child bearing' chest for all to see. It was funny. Enjoying myself thoroughly, I started looking out for more of these proud Dads. trying to see what the different types were.The honey trapper: More than a couple of these guys were surrounded by one or two women, adoringly making cochoo cochee sounds to the baby strapped into a pram or carrier. Baby daddy talks 'bout daipers and growing pains and potential target makes suggestions and if he's lucky he'll get a number (just in case he needs advise).The club: Then there are those dads that hang out in groups, pushing little tiger into each other's faces. Comparing their babies to the next man's.The strutter: See above mentionedThe loner: I have personal experience with this type, he's ussualy alone with baby. Focused only what he wanted from the mall. Him and his mini-me are oblivious to the rest of the world as they sail along in their bubble.
posted by Wannabe Cynic at 5:06 AM

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Oh no WC!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I just recently had a conversation with a friend of mine at work, who's also an avid blogger, he says to me:"Wannabe Cynic, do you know what WC also stands for?" (WC dreaming of payday and having had very little for lunch today, gives a blank stare)"No Quown" "It stands for Water Closet" (
Gives WC a wicked grin )"I knew that, that was the whole point!"Damn!
posted by Wannabe Cynic at 4:11 AM

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Clueless in B'day land
Yesterday I ranted. Today I need your advise.
Background: Metal-Man (my boyfriend) is gonna be turning 30 big ones in November.
Please Advise: I did the whole suprise B'day Party thing for him last year. He loved it! , I even got some of his friends from outta town to come. It was hard work keeping that a secret. Why did I go through all that trouble, keeping secrets, late night meetings as well as supplying all the booz? I'm in love.
Love is a funny thing and according to scientists someone who is in love shares the same symptoms with someone that's bi-pola.
That explains why, now that I feel I've set a precedence, I want to top it.
30yrs is quite a milestone! And I think I've proven that I'm crazy in love
enough to make his B'day a good one.So if you guys have any good ideas on what would make my man's B'day electric this year, please pass on those gems of knowledge onto me. Don't be shy go crazy, we've already proven that I am.
Ideas that have come my way already: - A Steak followed by unbridled sex
- A three some (I'm a bit weary of this idea but one can't be a cynic without having material to go back too, so what the heck I'll try it)
- Another party (perharps involving foam and loads of white t-shirts)
Basically those are my ideas, so I want some of yours and also to know if you agree with some of the above mentioned.
posted by Wannabe Cynic at 1:21 AM

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That Ad
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
There has been allot of talk about the "I am African" ad campaigns against AIDS. But as a bona fide Wannabe Cynic and a currently residing African I have to say I find the whole ad campaign insulting.The latest trend with celebrities at the moment is saving "the poor hungry natives" in Africa. Enter Jolie and her zombie sitter Pitt in Namibia then there is dear 'ol Oprah building a Girls' School right here in SA. Much as I appreciate what Oprah is trying to do, that money could have been used to build 20 rural schools all around the country instead of just the one. The special school where girls had to go through intensive interviews just to get in. I think someone's priorities got mixed up somewhere.Now there is her highness Madonna of to save a village in Malawi.All this added attention to Africa I feel is doing the opposite. Instead of the good these "demi god" celebrities are out achieve they're instead adding to the misconception that this is a continent that has its hands streched out like a beggar asking for change.It gives the impression that we Africans cannot solve our own problems. And yes we know we have have huge problems on this continent but the recent attention makes us seem well pathetic.
posted by Wannabe Cynic at 3:56 AM

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The Big C Word
Monday, September 18, 2006
For the first time in my 24 years - 7 of which is a blur of uninhibited sexual exploits- I find myself in a committed relationship.
It's been over a year now and I'm still crazy in love with Metal-man. However like all good things there is a catch. And these last 18 or so months I've discovered emotions I didn't know a retired nymph like yours truly, could experience.
Yup the old green eyed monster has possessed me one too many times. At times I've felt like Emily Rose, and my nervous friends (whom I've spent hours bitching too) are minutes away from calling an exocist. Some of you might laugh and say this is natural when you are in love blah blah blah. But you must remember that I was that chick you'd notice passing barely subtle glances your way, dancing on tables and flirting outrageously with every other good looking stud. I had not one but three 'boyfriends' at any one time. And out there somewhere are a group of 3 friends that all hate me 'cause I had my way with them behind their backs.
If you cheated on me, well I just didn't give a flying fuck, cause this nympho was probably outdoing you somewhere. Most probably on your bed. Yes I was nasty. Still am, I just keep my peformances for one man only. So these jealousy outbreaks are bewildering and leave me me feeling nervous.
To top it all, 'cause I know what dark and salacious activities the Wannabe Cynic got up too, and the dozens of egos and hearts I shattered without flinching. I feel like pay back is just around the corner. Karma is comming to get me and man am I scared.
posted by Wannabe Cynic at 6:25 AM

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