And don't expect grumpy faces from these Dads they are as proud of their little replicas as they are about their latest man-toy.
Just the other day I was enjoying my Sunday strawberry dacherie (one can't start the week without a dose of the good stuff) at the Mugg 'n Bean, when myself and Metal-Man noticed a Dad with one of those strap on carriers, and for added effect he even had a blindingly white towel (by now the alcohol was affecting the eyes ) over his shoulder, for his little soldier's throw up.
That man didn't walk, he pranced. Practically puffing up his 'child bearing' chest for all to see. It was funny. Enjoying myself thoroughly, I started looking out for more of these proud Dads. trying to see what the different types were.
The honey trapper: More than a couple of these guys were surrounded by one or two women, adoringly making cochoo cochee sounds to the baby strapped into a pram or carrier. Baby daddy talks 'bout daipers and growing pains and potential target makes suggestions and if he's lucky he'll get a number (just in case he needs advise).
The club: Then there are those dads that hang out in groups, pushing little tiger into each other's faces. Comparing their babies to the next man's.
The strutter: See above mentioned
The loner: I have personal experience with this type, he's ussualy alone with baby. Focused only what he wanted from the mall. Him and his mini-me are oblivious to the rest of the world as they sail along in their bubble.