In an episode of Grey's Anatomy, Katherine Heigel's character Izzy said how, once she'd had sex again after a long stint of not getting any, re-awakened her beast.
Well my beast has definitely been roused. And she's insatiable. And it's all thanks to Metal-Man .
We hooked up over a year ago for what should have been a one night stand.
When he met me I was extremely relationship phobic after experiencing one of those He's Not That Into You moments with a previous boyfriend. And being sexually deprived meant I was more obnoxious and irritable than usual.
I was not exactly the kind of person you'd have liked to have at a party. You'd have found me clutching my glass of Jesus-Juice, glaring at any devil spawn with a penis who dared glance my way.
My wit decended to it's lowest form if the said spawn managed to get into a conversation with yours truly. The only responses he'd get out of me would be dripping with enough sarcasm to leave a toxic burn. In short my friends soon made the decision that if WC didn't get laid soon they wouldn't have any hairs left. Hence the hook up.
Now after a year I'm still with the most sexually compatible person I've ever been with and I'm glad to say although my beast might be growling most of the time thanks to constant thoughts of Metal-Man, the noises she makes don't bother me at all.