It's not because I know that from now on my metabolism will slow down or my once anti-gravitational breasts will now begin their slow decent into something resembling a pair of 'ol slippers that soon I'd be able to throw over my shoulders just because they're in my way.
It's none of that.
I simply thought I'd be richer, more successful a power suited high flyer, for fucks sake!
Ok, so I was naive to assume I could achieve all that before I reached 25 but considering they're 25 year olds arround me that have achieved the above mentioned does little for me.
Don't get me wrong, changing my career from IT to journalism was and is the best thing I could have done for my myself personally, it's something I love doing.
But when I glimse a one of my varsity classmates driving the latest beast, I usually turn a funny shade of puce green.
Some of you might say "money aint everything WC" but damn, call me Macavelian but I'm a material girl at heart. I guess the only thing I can do right now is *eye roll* re-evaluate my goals. Meanwhile I'll treat myself to some fine dinning at KFC, oh and maybe I'll even buy a full tank of gas.
I know we never see it when we are there, be it 18, 25, 30, 40, but 25 is just soooo young.
Really, it just marks the point where yoru "youthful" learning ends and your "adult" learning begins.
Hell, I didn't even graduate Uni intil I was 24.
Happy Birthday oh green one.