It's been over a year now and I'm still crazy in love with Metal-man. However like all good things there is a catch. And these last 18 or so months I've discovered emotions I didn't know a retired nymph like yours truly, could experience.
Yup the old green eyed monster has possessed me one too many times. At times I've felt like Emily Rose, and my nervous friends (whom I've spent hours bitching too) are minutes away from calling an exocist. Some of you might laugh and say this is natural when you are in love blah blah blah. But you must remember that I was that chick you'd notice passing barely subtle glances your way, dancing on tables and flirting outrageously with every other good looking stud. I had not one but three 'boyfriends' at any one time. And out there somewhere are a group of 3 friends that all hate me 'cause I had my way with them behind their backs.
If you cheated on me, well I just didn't give a flying fuck, cause this nympho was probably outdoing you somewhere. Most probably on your bed. Yes I was nasty. Still am, I just keep my peformances for one man only. So these jealousy outbreaks are bewildering and leave me me feeling nervous.
To top it all, 'cause I know what dark and salacious activities the Wannabe Cynic got up too, and the dozens of egos and hearts I shattered without flinching. I feel like pay back is just around the corner. Karma is comming to get me and man am I scared.